Monday, October 3, 2011

Poems of Hope, release, relief, condolence, and forgiveness

Haiti O Haiti
(A Positive Dirge)

Haiti, O Haiti
Your sons and daughters suffer the trail
Of a tragic tremor of seven magnitudes
Corpses and carcasses liter the street
Limbs and houses crushed and crumbled

Haiti, O Haiti
Your children cry and weep and wail
For many loved ones are hereby gone,
But in their eyes, I see resolve and hope
In their strides I see strength and courage

Haiti, O Haiti,
Your children suffer, yes they do, but
History knows your children are brave
Sole masters of their land and freedom,
For the ancestors and for country unity reigns

Haiti, O Haiti
Your children are tested once again
And your children shall by this unite,
The battle is ahead and shall be met
For the Haitian will is even stronger

Haiti, O Haiti
Your children shall stand and walk again
For this tragic tremor shall not win.
Over the shaken lands they shall march, for
Even in death there’s beauty and Haiti shall live again.