Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Party

You let me go there
You said no matter what you were here
You said call if you need me
I said ok but I won't need to
You said if you're driving home
I said ok I won't, it's gross
I told them no
They said one won't hurt
They said I would still be below .08
I said no way
I would hurt my mom
They said take one sip
That's not much
I thought ok, it's not alot

On my way home
I had in my car one drink
Two, or three, maybe even four
I had drank at the party too
I think I had a 12-pack there

At the intersection of 52nd and 47th
I saw the sign
I thought it said go
It was kind of fuzzy
I was going 92mph
I hit him, my crush

I am sorry mom
So you how it happened
It was my fault
I should have listened

All I remembered was it hurt
The pain was unbearable
My blood all over the street
My foot lay on the ground beside my head
Now my skull lay apart on the road

As my still pumps
I am turning paler by the second

They said it was hopeless
They said I was dead
You came to my funeral
Reached into my pocket
To find a paper
It said I know you'll find this mom
I know I shouldn't have drank
I know I should have called
But I didn't, I drank
And this is the happenings

I am dead so tell everyone
I loved them
Most of all I love you mom
Oh tell him I'm sorry and that I loved him
Then come and tell me what happened

I miss and love you mom
Now I know right from wrong
And good from bad
Most of of all I'm sorry