Write a letter everyday both of you are apart.
Give him/her a bunch of helium filled heart shaped balloons.
Fix a jigsaw puzzle together.
Place glow in the dark stars on the walls in the bedroom froming the words, "You light up my life."
Learn to play his/her favorite song on a musical instrument.
Leave post it notes all over the house telling how much you love him/her.
Make a scrapbook about your love story and give it to him/her.
Bring him/her on a surprise romantic getaway!
Write a message in a bottle together and throw it into the sea.
Create a time capsule containing all your little secrets together and open it many years later.
Have a candlelight dinner together on the beach.
Fly a specially made kite that form the words "I love you"
Make a website about your love story for him/her.
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