Unemployed? No need to be. America’s Prison Industry is growing like a
cinder block fungus across The Land of the Free (on bail). The Prison
Industrial Group (NYSE: PIG) is looking to fill secure positions on all
levels, no diploma necessary. One guy in the belly beasting is my man
Mr. B, who teaches English to incarcerated scarface jrs. in an outer
borough. Mr B chanced upon our Love Letter project, moved it into
captivity, and called it “A Kite For You”. The kite is a communique
between captives, sometimes facilitated by a CO or cellie, so needless
to say our brick valentines hit the inmates square on the heart. They
made their own yearning burners and posted them in the common areas to
call and get response . We hoped that the Love Letter would inspire
someone to do something, but we were devastated to see the desperate dig
their own diamonds out of despair. Mr. B invited us to continue the
Letter in the jail gym, so in 3 (too short) days we delivered the
message that Love exists for you, even if you have been rotting in
solitary since birth. The proof of this is in the air we share, that
goes from the cells to the avenues to the couples on an ocean cruise
every breath that keeps us alive is love, from who is your business. The
Letter is the kite we delivered on the concrete, 3-4 of us going for
broke for days getting paid only in the feeling of being in but not an
inmate (totally fair). Finally The Future is coming, good bad boring
happy or sad (or ALL OF THE ABOVE) its coming like the train rolling
past your window. Either youre on it or youre under it. Hopefully I’ll
see you onboard and we’ll sit and look at the sights.
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