Thursday, October 13, 2011
Posted by nicelhufit at 1:02 PM 0 comments

Posted by nicelhufit at 12:59 PM 0 comments
Posted by nicelhufit at 12:13 PM 0 comments
Some romantic ideas

Posted by nicelhufit at 12:09 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Letting Go
its been awhile,
I have a new man,
our relationship didn't feel worthwhile.
We had too many problems,
no trust at all,
maybe that's why we argued,
over things so small.
I really didn't need the added stress,
I always felt locked down,
every time I touched another guy,
you'd say I was messing around.
I can't believed you questioned,
whether I was true,
remember when you had that girl at your house,
and you said she wasn't for you.I gave my all,
I really did try,
when I wanted to be with you,
my love you did deny.
I need a man that knows what he wants,
that will give and receive,
make me feel special
and won't ever leave.
although I care for you more then you know,
I can't continue to put myself through this,
maybe someday we can reconnect,
right now friendship is all that exists.
You still tell me you love me,
and that I changed you in a good way
It breaks my heart,
but I know that love did not stay.
Now there is only one thing to do,
Loving you was easy,
and so was letting go.
Posted by nicelhufit at 11:34 PM 0 comments
If I Could
And start all over again..
I can forget I ever knew you,
I could live in a world of pretend.
But every time I open my eyes,
It's back to reality.
Things I've tried to forget,
Are back again with me.
I could go through life,
Never saying your name.
I could live each day..
Looking for a place to lay the blame.
I could feel bitter,
For the way things turned out.
But I choose not to be,
That's not what I'm about.
I could forever long for you,
And this I'll probably do.
If only I could've touched your face..
At least one dream would've come true.
I could say I hate you,
But it would be a lie.
I could wish I'd never met you,
So I'd never had a sad goodbye.
But no matter the tears,
The aches I felt inside,
I still can't regret knowing you,
My feelings I've never denied.
I chose to remember you,
The way you were with me.
Things you said and felt..
I hold in loving memory.
Even though it was a heartache,
Only waiting to begin,
What I experienced with you...
Was the best place I've ever been.
Posted by nicelhufit at 11:32 PM 0 comments
Maybe Tomorrow
I cry and cry in spite of me.
It just seems crazy that was just last year,
Just last year I barely cried one tear.
Now I'm just hoping maybe tomorrow,
Maybe tomorrow therefor be no more sorrow.
Maybe tomorrow you'll give me a glance,
Maybe tomorrow you'll give me one last chance.
Maybe tomorrow you'll give me a call,
Maybe tomorrow I won't cry at all.
Maybe tomorrow you'll hug me tight,
Maybe tomorrow you'll kiss me good night.
Maybe tomorrow you'll take back my heart,
Maybe you'll give me a brand new start.
I'm living with dreams that won't come true,
For you will never love me as I love you.
Posted by nicelhufit at 11:30 PM 0 comments
i feel so stupid....i feel used...
i feel like I'm nothing, nothing but a spare tire...
i feel dumb cause your a f????n lier.
you told me you love me and we'll always be together
but no your stuck with her forever...
shes got your life..your son...your baby...
i thought i was girl...your Maggie..
but i guess I'm not..I'm not nothing to you...
why did you do this to me...why did you have to...
well i hope you have a good life and live it to the fullest...
i'll love you forever my sweet sweet dearest..
Posted by nicelhufit at 11:29 PM 0 comments
The Party
You said no matter what you were here
You said call if you need me
I said ok but I won't need to
You said if you're driving home
I said ok I won't, it's gross
They said one won't hurt
They said I would still be below .08
I said no way
I would hurt my mom
They said take one sip
That's not much
I thought ok, it's not alot
On my way home
I had in my car one drink
Two, or three, maybe even four
I had drank at the party too
I think I had a 12-pack there
At the intersection of 52nd and 47th
I saw the sign
I thought it said go
It was kind of fuzzy
I was going 92mph
I hit him, my crush
I am sorry mom
So you how it happened
It was my fault
I should have listened
All I remembered was it hurt
The pain was unbearable
My blood all over the street
My foot lay on the ground beside my head
Now my skull lay apart on the road
I am turning paler by the second
They said it was hopeless
They said I was dead
You came to my funeral
Reached into my pocket
To find a paper
It said I know you'll find this mom
I know I shouldn't have drank
I know I should have called
But I didn't, I drank
And this is the happenings
I am dead so tell everyone
I loved them
Most of all I love you mom
Oh tell him I'm sorry and that I loved him
Then come and tell me what happened
I miss and love you mom
Now I know right from wrong
And good from bad
Most of of all I'm sorry
Posted by nicelhufit at 11:27 PM 0 comments
Your New Love
I stood outside my door to breathe into God air.
I watched each car pass me by with its fullest speed
I thought about you and where you could possibly be
Visions of you and her found their way into my mind once again
I realized that you are finally in someone else’s arms.
It pains me to see you gone, but it pains me even more
When I no longer can call you to tell you of how I have been
To cry on your shoulders and expect that you will help me to carry on
I no longer can ask you to listen to how my day went, or tell you
How crazy life has made me be...
It was always so sweet and so gentle when you would tell me
That as long as you will love me, no harm will ever reach me
And that you will protect me till the day you die.
I stand alone and all of the past feelings that I used to feel before you
Came into my life, they all crept and found their way into my soul
I stand alone as I think about your New Love
I heard you in my dreams, I saw your love with this new lady
I wonder what was it that she gave you that I couldn’t give
I want to stop these thoughts, I want to let go of all the pain,
But it’s hard when every time I close my eyes I see your hands
Caressing her soul.
I can’t shout, nor call you to tell you how badly you hurt this old
Aging heart of mine.
If all what you have said to me has been true,
Than sensing me somehow will tell you how broken I am
I no longer can
And the thought that I no longer can is softly killing me inside
I stand today alone without you, and all I can hope and wish for
Is that you will somehow find yourself to be truer to this
The mother of your child and soon to be your wife...
I wish for you the best, And I hope that you will never do to her what you did to me
I hope that you will remember all the important dates and times, I hope that you will
Never be late for a date with her, I hope that you will never forget to call her
To tell her that you are okay...
Don’t forget all of the important things the way you forgot them with me...
I know you want me to be angry with you, I know you want me to say that I hate you
But do you realize what has been softening me, what has been keeping me quiet
It has been the thoughts of your soon to be born baby.
I wish You the best my once long ago friend, lover, and that once husband to be...
I will wash away into the wind, I will hush away my saddest feelings, I will sleep
In silence and Hope for a better day....
Posted by nicelhufit at 11:26 PM 0 comments
I'll forgive you
and I'll forgive you for not liking me enough.
you forgive me for missing you so,
and I'll forgive you for being so cold.
you forgive me for the loud racing of my heart,
and I'll forgive you for not hearing it.
you forgive me for playing your games,
and I'll forgive you for toying my emotions.
you forgive me for finding you so attractive,
and I'll forgive you for not noticing.
you forgive me for raising you up so high,
and I'll for give you for bring me down so low.
you forgive me for wanting to be with you,
and I'll forgive you for avoiding me.
you forgive me for being so pathetic,
and I'll forgive you for taking advantage of it.
you forgive me for not being to let go,
and I'll forgive you for never having latched on.
you forgive me for having hopes and dreams,
and I'll forgive you for crushing them.
Posted by nicelhufit at 11:25 PM 0 comments
Frozen Love
Facing each new day.
But now, in the tears that fall upon my face.
Your memory fades away.
We walked with our problems in silence.
Dawn falling into dusk.
Leafs collecting at our cold and tired feet.
Along with what grieved us.
In my bedroom, surrounded by empty walls.
I want to scream and shout.
My mouth opens, but the tortured words...
Just won't come out.
You! This man I began to love.
Got lost for a "Nothing".
Everything we'd built, destroyed.
Over one careless fling.
Used to think I was so lucky.
I had it all.
Nothing unknown is knowable, so depressed.
You just watched me fall.
My heart bleeds.
The snow becomes red.
How life has mocked you.
Were you ever here? memories gone, dead.
Your like salt on an open wound.
Reminding me you once were here.
Warm like the blood in my veins.
The love I had for you, so dear.
In my distorted, broken dreams.
So empty, yet real.
I'm floating through air.
I touch your face, hoping to feel.
This frozen silence belongs to you.
I'm all that you see.
I only want revenge.
Giving back what you gave to me.
Sorry I loved you so.
And you didn't feel the same.
When I think of what could have been.
What a waste! Such a shame!
Stone by stone, I'll re-build my life.
I'm stronger when hardest hit.
I know only to well.
This is the time I must never quit.
My conscious asks the question.
I long to hear.
Is the grass really greener on the other side?
My conscious asks the question.
I will always fear.
Posted by nicelhufit at 11:23 PM 0 comments
Goodbye Again
That we do say goodbye
And then we will know
You took the coward’s way
Children don’t forget
They will learn and see
Their minds will be forever corrupt
With the horrid memory
Selfish acts
Forever take hold
Leaving destruction
On young and old
Such a waste
A coward’s actions
Set to pace
I’m not the messenger
Only one left behind
To clean up the mess
So you’ll still shine
For it is in their eyes
That I worry
For it in their eyes
That I see
Unconditional love
That must stay with thee
Not for you
Only for them
They are the angels
I cherish to the end!
Posted by nicelhufit at 11:22 PM 0 comments
Losing My Parents
Hearing the sound of the telephone ring
Forced me out of bed.
Listening to the voice of my brother scream
Being unprepared for what he said.
"Jeremiah there was an accident and mom and dad were killed"
Throwing the phone across the room
I fell to my knees as my heart spilled
My life wasn't always so great
But everything else became worse
I thought nothing could make me break
Now i feel as if I've been cursed
At the bitter age of thirteen years old
My parents death, began to take it's toll
On rainy days i wish it snowed
Because raindrops gave my tears control
In school i could never concentrate
Or would refuse to do the work and turn it in late
During lunch I'd give myself time to think
By taking long walks I never ate
There was never a day that would go my way
Ever since my parents were taken away
There are no words that could ever explain
What hides behind my silence and pain
Everyday is always the same
I come home and unpack my things
Then when i get ready to change
I still wait for my mom to call my name
Simple things such as that
Would make me want my mother back
Or remembering the first time i swung a bat
Making my dad proud every time we'd play catch
But every night i start to cry and realize they are gone
I play a song and pray to god there's a heaven up above
I promise to wait and never give up, i know up there i will be loved
But i hope that i don't grow to be old
Because I'm tired of being so alone.
Posted by nicelhufit at 11:20 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Love-Struck For You
My silent words shall speak,As I see you with my shut eye.
As you walk more close, and lie.
Will buy every dream,
Taste every joy.
To fly and kiss every high.
To touch our moments together,
Every sorrow shall fear,
Shall fear to try.
The Tale Of Love
On my fading day, I maySneak in, to throw a tale
Of, what words cannot touch,
And dreams can never say.
Shall sing the sweet tale out,
Beg and cry, fall and fall
To stay along, and survive proud.
My eyes can meet your innocence,
Your warmth, and touch your silent play
Which alone can bring the eternal essence,
That even end could never slay.
An Angelic Love
Flap them to sorcerers land.
Only you could hear me where,
'Coz only you can understand.
Lonely times are no more sad.
Lost in the losing world,
Sorry times are no more hard.
Slide a honey-sweet feeling in me.
Put me in your untouched heart
And fall in love with me.
I love you!
Love At First Sight
Your love, my darling made me feel so beautiful and new,
It feels so wonderful to see your pleasant face,
Makes me feel like kidnapping and taking you to some other place,
Where there would be no one to disturb us,
It would be just you, me and never ending bliss.
You are the only one in the world, whose love comes for without a price
Thank you, my love, for giving me the taste of paradise.
I love you so much, more than you can ever know,
In your love sweetheart, my heart will always glow.
Bunch Of Happiness
You, my dear, are more irresistible than chocolates with rum;
Each time you put your beautiful arms around me,
I realize my love for you is so vast and deep;
It makes me forget the world outside,
Coz' for them, I just seem to go blind.
Nobody can ever make me feel like this,
You, my love, are a bunch of happiness.
The Magic Of Your Love
In your love, I could walk without a stop for miles;
For magical, is what I feel when I am with you,
You and me are super tight, like paper and glue;
Sweetheart, I just cannot wait to meet you again,
'Coz without you my dear, I'm going insane!
I miss you like crazy, each time you're away,
Can't stop myself from looking forward to meeting you again.
I love you so so much my dear.
You are my everything
No matter how my day goes you always manage to brighten up my way.
You make me so happy and so joyful, just with your presence,
You make me fall in love with you everyday with your fragrance.
I want to live with you like this forever and ever my love,
Cause you are just like this beautiful angel from heaven above.
I've made a silent promise to myself to love you like this forever,
I will make it a point to see to it that we are always like this together.
Always Stay By Me
Without you everything around me is colorless and bleak.
So promise me that you will never ever leave my side,
In any kind of stormy weather or tide.
Always stay by me, holding my hand,
'Coz only you can take me into a magical land.
True Love
It always manages to lighten up our lives & brighten up our days.
Whenever your sad and gloomy just give the one you love, a call,
And you will see for yourself the way all your troubles will fall.
You Complete My World
I may have only one gift to give,
I may have only one life to love,
I may have only one moment to share,
But no body can love you like me, girl,
You're the only one who completes my world.
Right From When You Came Into My Life
With your presence, life by itself feels so beautiful & anew.
You make the most complicated things seem so simple,
You make me fall in love with you each time you flash that dimple.
The deep and strong feelings that I have in my heart for you,
Those feelings are experienced only by a fortunate few.
The Miracle Of Love
That makes you feel you're in heaven above;
So pure, worth-living, absolutely wonderful;
It happened the second I met you.
You Make Me Feel Magical
It's like, even on a dry day, the grass appears to be green
And the sun is like it had never been hot
And the rainbow appears in the sky
And the way my heart leaps out in joy
Is a fact which I can never deny?
'Coz, my darling, the only fact that I believe in is that you are my only fate
So promise me, baby, that you'll never leave my side
In any dark story, weather or tide
'Coz baby you're the one for me
And every time I look into your eyes my heart skips a beat
And I don't wanna live another day without you in my arms
'Coz I need you in my life
Today, tomorrow, forever.
My Heart
so many pieces,
That I was sure,
It would not beat again.
You came and your love
Made my heart whole again.
It beats so lovingly new.
- poem by
I Am In Love With You
If innocence had a face, it would be your face,
If love had a description, it would be your life,
If I were to love someone, it would be only and only you!
1I Want To Dance With You
You bring magic into my life and make me alive.
Life is not the same when you are not around,
I can't do anything that I want, my feet are bound.
But the moment you make your grand entrance,
I feel like giving my life yet another chance.
Life feels different with you, completely in trance.
The moment you step in, I feel like pulling you to the floor to dance.
You Changed My Life
Till you popped into my life and God showed me a sign.
I knew, you were my soul mate right when our eyes met,
You were the one for me, and on that I could even bet!
Today finally that you my darling, are a part of my life,
I just cannot express myself and tell you how happy I am.
Every moment spent by your side is just so perfect,
I want to rob you and take to with me till the end of time.
Lie With You
I don't even know what it means to be sad and blue.
Love in excellence, friendship for life, magic personified,
You brought so much into my life and made it so dignified.
You my darling, taught me that hope should never die,
Ever since I have forgotten what it is to weep and cry.
With all my heart I wish to thank you so much my dear,
Losing you is the only thing now, that I ever fear.
Understand Love, Pick The Signs
But don't miss the way they look into your eyes without a sound.
'Coz their eyes will tell you all those things that their lips cannot,
Close your ears,listen with your eyes, later don't say 'your forgot!'
We Will Always Be Together
I feel in love with you, the moment I saw you my pretty tart.
You are so beautiful, flawless and perfect than any other,
I promise to love you forever, we will always stay together.
Posted by nicelhufit at 7:31 PM 0 comments
Love Poems - for Him or for a Girl
Love poems that tug the heart string and ignite the soul
“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet,” may say just what you’re thinking, but if the love of your life knows his or her Shakespeare, you may find yourself all alone and wondering “what light through yonder window breaks.”
That’s because the real line of love spoken by Juliet was actually, “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”
Thankfully, you don’t have to recall your high school English class to find the perfect love poems. Love poems can easily be found on the Internet these days, and if you go to the right site, you don’t even have to know the author or the poem. All you have to do is punch in the words you remember of your favorite love poems, and voila! – back comes the search result containing the love poems that will make the love of your life swoon and fall madly into your arms.
While you could labor over love poems yourself, trying to convey your deepest feelings, you can let some of the most romantic minds who have ever lived say it for you. Chances are good that if you’re in love, there are already love poems that capture it perfectly in beautiful, thoughtful prose.
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of every day's
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love thee with a passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints, --- I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life! --- and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.
Told me you love me almost everyday
Showed me happiness and made me smile
I started to love you after awhile.
I wished that from the day we gave us a try
When I woke up this morning you were on my mind
Love you completely although they say love is blind.
I trust you completely for real.
Posted by nicelhufit at 7:21 PM 0 comments
Your voice, the rhythm of my heart. Without it my ventricles lay in silence
Your touch, the nerves of my fingertips. Without it I cannot feel
Your embrace, the light at my center. Without it I see only blackness
Hiding and revealing her basalt eyes
She floats away while my heart dries
Ember ed feelings frail as straw
Alone i stay in the dark
Alone i pray to survive
Alone i may not survive
'Alone I am with me!
Lonely in a world of mist
Alone, I reach to touch your wrist
Alone listening to nightly whispers
Alone in my thoughts
Alone standing in court
alone I pray to end this life,
alone I am, alone I stay,
alone I live, in endless strife,
Alone when tears fall,
Alone in this hell,
Alone each day,
Posted by nicelhufit at 7:18 PM 0 comments
Sad Love Quotes
" One day you'll love me as I love you. One day you'll think of me as I think of you. One day you'll cry for me as I cry for you. One day you'll want me, but I won't want you." |
Posted by nicelhufit at 11:21 AM 0 comments